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PROJECTRONIC Developments Ltd
Sub-Contract Manufacturing...

 Secondary Operations

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Pressed Components
Special Pressings
Secondary Operations
Healthcare Packaging
Tooling & Technical
Additional Information

Combining the Facilities we have available - Creates a Multitude of Possibilities...

To support our production operations we have built up a capability for often multi-operation secondary operations which are built into our standard machine units.

Assembly Operations – Multi-component assemblies, Crimping, Clinching, Bagging, Packing,

Cutting Operations - Pressing, Punching, Trimming, Roll-trimming, Drilling, Tapping, De-burring,

Forming Operations - Drawing, Forming, Reforming, Rolling, Roll-forming,

Finishing Operations - Printing, Marking, Numbering, Embossing, Re-working,

Testing Operations - Testing, Orientating, Sorting, Grading,

Just some of the applications we have either accommodated or which we can facilitate to some extent using existing equipment, possibly requiring only minimal re-tooling.

Key Benefits

bulletShort set-up times, due to utilisation of existing standard tooling & equipment.
bulletReduced Tooling and Equipment Costs compared with fully tooling "from scratch"
bulletReduced Unit Cost compared with less automated production methods.
bulletCan be combined and customised to suit design requirements.
bulletCan be used as a development tool to bring new products into full production.

Combining the facilities that we have available, creates a multitude of possibilities.

For Further Information Please Contact - sales@projectronic.co.uk

PROJECTRONIC Developments Ltd - Pressed Components, Pressings, Assemblies, Secondary Operations, Manufacturing.
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